Friends of Open Streets


Magdalena wrote on Apr 01, 2015 19:49:

Yeah, where does PG&E get off trying to udrpage their own equipment? This capitalism stuff is ridiculous, and private companies that provide invaluable services shouldn't be able improve their products! We need the government to run electrical utilities b/c they are much more efficient, aas proven in all other facets, ie USPS, Social Security, EPA, Medicare. Give me a break! God forbid one of the largest utilities in the nation try and provide a better service to its millions of customers, while be coming more green . You commi's can't have it both ways. By the way, what substantial accredited research has been done to support any of these anti-smart meter claims. It seems to me that the majority of studies conclude the meters are safe, yet these protesters continue to gin up fear in the hopes of their own empowerment. I mean think, who heard of this douche Josh Hart? This guy is an unemployed nobody, who is probably been on EDD assistance for the full 3 years, living off of the tax payers. Meanwhile, he's out building his own brand. An ego maniac who's skewed information for his own self-engrandizement, and power over hippie putty brains that have been living in homes with all kinds of RF. Yet, the meter on the outside of their home has caused immeasurable damage. Or, was it all of the drugs you guys did in the 60 s and 70 s? Hats off to Josh Hart, he's going to get rich on the backs of PG&e, and all of you wack jobs who call for progress, yet hate it when it arrives. No matter what PG&E does you guys will be mad, get a hobby.

Cami wrote on Mar 09, 2017 19:35:
That's a sensible answer to a chailenglng question

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