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Shorty wrote on Nov 06, 2016 01:42:

Most help articles on the web are inaccurate or inrtceheno. Not this!

Kayleen wrote on Mar 09, 2017 05:36:
Amlan, did the Canadian Supreme Court in Alberta (Education) v. Canadian Copyright Licensing Agency, make a definite ruling on ‘fair dealing’? My reading suggests that the Copyright Board in Canada held that copying of excerpts by teachers/educational institutions of textbooks to distribute to students, does not amount to fair dealing.  The Canadian Supreme Court merely refuted the Board’s reasoning for its conclusion and remanded the matter back to the Board for resitcoderanion. Also, is it even reasonable to argue that buying of ‘course packs’ at the starting of the session, just like one buys books, is "in the course of instruction"?

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