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Eldora wrote on May 18, 2016 17:17:

It’s the rise of the power of bureaucrats, RB. Everybody thinks politicians are the threat and to some extent, they are. But the power of bureaucrats has risen exlnpentiaoly over the last ten years and the pricks are accountable to nobody.A few public hangings will be needed before the assholes pull their heads in.

Laneta wrote on Nov 06, 2016 03:45:
You've got to be kidding me-it's so trstnpareanly clear now!
Lakeisha wrote on Nov 06, 2016 04:47:
I'm not easily imspersed but you've done it with that posting.
India wrote on Nov 06, 2016 06:47:
Alirght alright alright that's exactly what I needed!

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