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Fernando wrote on Apr 01, 2015 22:58:

Great responses as alayws. I think I lean toward using Matt's approach and hopefully the group can clarify the rules. I find that many groups new to Action Learning get into the mode of interrogating' the issue holder. I think this is partly due to the anxious need to get a question asked. When I observe this pattern, I try to intervene early sometimes I just remind everyone that questions can be answered by anyone in the group when we do our first stop and assess'. Other times, I make the observation and ask a version of how is this pattern helpful or not helpful to the inquiry'.By the way, I want to say a sincere THANKS to everyone who has been sharing their experience on this blog. I've only recently registered and I'm learning a lot by just reading the earlier scenarios and responses. So, know that your wisdom and willingness to look honestly and critically at ourselves is appreciated even if I don't alayws post a comment on some of the older postings.

Johnetta wrote on Nov 06, 2016 03:52:
I want to send you an award for most helpful inetrnet writer.
Shirley wrote on Nov 06, 2016 06:07:
Wow! Great to find a post with such a clear megeass!
Sherlyn wrote on Mar 09, 2017 05:55:
Repelente de Moscos YA! Producto dermocosmético orgullosamente meucqano.Exixisita fórmula en base a aceites esenciales naturales que modifica el olor corporal humano y ahuyenta a los molestos mosquitos. Apto para toda la familia. Certificado como biodegradable, no tóxico, hipoalergénico y no irritante ocular.
Daisy wrote on Mar 09, 2017 07:57:
The problem of suicide these days is really important. More and more people die, because they think that there is no point living. The only thing they need is someone to show them the polebiisitiss they have

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