Friends of Open Streets


Freidimar wrote on Apr 02, 2015 01:11:

I agree with responses so far. One thing that I often fgerot to do when meeting with a team for the first time is to include, in the introduction to Action Learning, that when a question is asked, it's important that the responder answer only the question that was asked. We can train participants in that skill when we ask our process questions. For example, when we ask them to rate how we're doing as a team on a scale from 1-10, and they begin a narrative about why they are choosing that number, I typically stop the person and say For now I'm going to ask everyone to just answer the question that was asked. The question was .. If it was evident from the beginning that the respondent was not answering the question that was asked, it would be a good opportunity for an intervention like what is the question that was asked? I would ask this question of the entire group, not just the person who was giving a long answer.

Jaxon wrote on Nov 06, 2016 05:19:
IMHO you've got the right anwsre!
Jonalyn wrote on Mar 09, 2017 08:46:
1- les Shadocks2- Chapeau melon et Bottes de cuir3- Le prisonnier4- La famille Ada;ursq&oms5- Absolutely Fabulousmais 1 gars 1 fille et South Park, j’aurais bien aimé les caser aussi hmmmphhh

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