Friends of Open Streets


Mariana wrote on Apr 01, 2015 20:55:

PG& E for years has been under the fire. They do not test any of they're equipment nor care about any hleath effects this is no secret. But when you have an entire towns getting sick, causing cancer, and birth effects from PG& E equipment. You can't be naive and judgmentally about it. I guess you can until it happens to you.

Carajean wrote on Mar 09, 2017 05:48:
Али, все дело в своде выбора, которой наделил нас Бог. Бог не покушается на эту свободу,в отличии от людей. Хотя он в большей степени имеет на это право. Человек сам выбирает и несет Аµ‘‚вотственÃýþсть за свой выбор.
Solyn wrote on Mar 09, 2017 05:58:
Island Writer - hello! No, the anthology isn't really intended for sale. What happens is that the publishing world is sent a copy in advance of the launch, then, at the party thr;9&#3ees a bit of 'speed dating' going on to see who'd like to read more. It's an exciting way to do it!
Deandra wrote on Mar 09, 2017 06:13:
My cat used to be a total fatty and managed to get super skinny now that sh1#&82e7;s old (14) too, maybe it’s just something that happens when cats get older. She eats wet food twice a day and as much dry food as she wants, and she’s been to the vet a few times since it stared happening so whatevs.
Nelia wrote on Mar 09, 2017 08:27:
El día que se fusionen todos los magufos se creará una macrosecta que dejará pequeña a la secta de El Lider de Los Simpson. Alucino con lo del ADN, ¿es que ni siquiera se han molestado en investigar un poquito para que su engaño no resulte tan descarado? Lo peor es que con la cultura científica que hay en este país, tienen talleres hasta para rerUÂag.l¡an saludo!
Jeslyn wrote on Mar 09, 2017 19:35:
Always the best content from these progidious writers.

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