Friends of Open Streets


Fabio wrote on Apr 02, 2015 02:01:

From John ThompsonThe AL Coach would need to be sensitive to the renepssos he/she makes. At the check in it would be important that he/she is sensitive to feedback from members of the group. If he/she does not pick up the feeling of the group members that the rambling is disturbing the process it may come up as behaviours are reviewed at the end of the session and this is where the AL Coach would learn the need to let the participants be the focus at subsequent sessions. John Thompson.

Verle wrote on Mar 09, 2017 08:24:
Toujours aussi classe se Federer...paru aujourd'hui dans L'.R«ipeE..Âuqoger Federer, à la fin du match, c'était quasiment obscur. Regrettez-vous que le match n'ait pas été interrompu ?C'était impossible de jouer. C'est dur pour moi, de perdre le plus grand tournoi du monde sur une question de lumière. Mais c'est comme ça... Je ne voyais presque plus contre qui je jouais.

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