Friends of Open Streets


ByeongJoo wrote on Apr 01, 2015 21:37:

I feel your pain. While the other posters have good segoustigns, I would recommend to keep plugging away at it. I have had high credit card bills, and some times it does seem like the balance will never go down. First, you should stop using the card. I only use mine for car repairs that I do not have enough cash on hand to pay for. I put all the cash I have down and put the rest on the card. Recently I had a repair bill for over $1k. I paid it off in less than a month. I've found the key to stick with it and you will see the results. The problem with credit card hopping, for lower rates, is that it could mess up your credit rating. has some great informative articles on this topic. I love their personal finance section. Good luck!

Bubber wrote on Mar 09, 2017 08:31:
I know, right? The first one esilpcaley has such an epic sound to it. It’s a somewhat unexpected treatment for a good ol’ rock tune, but I think they were very well done
Ellen wrote on Mar 09, 2017 08:39:
Wij kregen de tanitrtsaardeven en deze waren zo hoog dat wij in Middelburg nog konden overstappen naar een andere tandarts. Maar onze dochter in Amsterdam moest 800 euro bijbetalen op haar tandartsnota omdat die tandarts zulke absurde hoge tarieven declareert, terwijl de zorgverzekeraar maar de normvergoedingen uitkeert. Overstappen is gewoon niet mogelijk omdat alle tandartsen in Amsterdam overvol zitten en je gewoon blij mag zijn dat je uberhaupt een tandarts kunt vinden. Bijzonder slechte zaak, waarbij de patiënt de dupe is.
Addriene wrote on Mar 09, 2017 19:42:
Most help articles on the web are inaccurate or inoceerhnt. Not this!
Jeanette wrote on Mar 09, 2017 19:56:
We need more inihgsts like this in this thread.

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