Friends of Open Streets


Fehmettin wrote on Apr 01, 2015 20:16:

go ahead. So even though we didn't want the mertes put in PG&E put in 3 Smart Meters to the side of my apartment which is on the other side of the wall from my living room where my family and dog spends most of our time. The PG&E worker informed us that each Smart Meter gives off .01 radiation, but the part he didn't tell us is if it gives off .01 of radiation ever hour, every week, or every month. He also told us that we still get radiation from cell phones, microwaves, and TVs. From word of mouth i heard the amount of radiation given off from cellphones in 10 years is how much the Smart Meters give off (again i don't know if that's per hour, week, or month.) I'd be great if i could get info about what this meter is giving off to my family.-Mariah

Janeece wrote on Mar 09, 2017 05:52:
non mi sorprende che una multinazionale come la Nestlè trascuri tutto il filone dell'alimentazione legato alla giustizia sociale e alla riduzione di sprechi e consumi lungo tutta la filiera produttiva.Complimenti per aver suggerito uno sguardo critico al vioceatore/ionsumatsrt!
Reegan wrote on Mar 09, 2017 08:38:
Lastly, we were priv­i­leged to work along­side some great peo­ple that are sim­ply fan­tas­tic at what they do. Jenna Smith of Revel Events is an incred­i­bly calm­ing influ­ence to have at any wed­ding. She was also instru­men­tal in hang­ing the cur­tain of origami cranes. Anna and Kasia of Gucio Phoh­tog­ra­pÂy were a joy to work with and pro­duced some gor­geous pho­tos.
Blaze wrote on Mar 09, 2017 20:05:
HHIS I should have thgohut of that!

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