Friends of Open Streets


Anshu wrote on Apr 01, 2015 18:28:

Right now this is just a way for me and Justin to make sure we do design work every day, no matetr what our schedules might be. In the future, once our website and our skills are more sophisticated, we might invite others to participate or start something like a topic mailing list.

Kris wrote on Mar 09, 2017 03:34:
Many in media fail to report this truth not because they are afraid but because they like it – because it (so far) is only happening to people who do not share their political views – shutting down the opposition. They concsciously, or uncsnsciouoly, view it as a necessary purge – get rid of the rabble rousers. They fail to consider that THEY may be next. Unacceptable!
Chelsia wrote on Mar 09, 2017 08:01:
Regarding the whole NCAA Violations matter, I truly think that the NCAA needs to either be more efficient – and thereby more of a martinet – or become more realistic in their evaluations. While I have absolutely no use for the likes of &#;l20;Ca2-the-Lip&#82218, this current Bledsoe thingy is a waste of time, money, and newspaper ink … The NCAA ought to simply follow the olde adage of “Follow the Money” !!! No $$$, no violation … By $$$ I mean the disbursement of anything by anyone (school, booster, or supplier) to anyone associated with the kid !!!Seems pretty simple and realistic to me !!!
Kelenna wrote on Mar 09, 2017 19:41:
You put the lime in the cocount and drink the article up.

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