Friends of Open Streets


Caro wrote on Nov 06, 2016 03:56:

That's an ineteliglnt answer to a difficult question xxx

Wiseman wrote on Mar 09, 2017 03:34:
Hello, many thanks for the terrific piece of writing. In fact, just around 6 months ago I began using the internet and became an internet user and came on the internet for the 1st time, and there is always so much useless information out there. I value that you have released great information that is sharp and wewl-lritten. All the best and thank you for the terrific hints.
Jailene wrote on Mar 09, 2017 08:09:
Lol…. We ar#27e8n1&;t crossing clearly. I’m not going to repeat myself but I’ve already proven my perspective. You are entitled to your opinion. The key words here are I and think when it comes to my title. You will never get it and I don’t expect you to. Good to get your perspective though. Lol

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