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Janaina wrote on Apr 01, 2015 23:00:

Thanks for the quick reply! I'm glad the currency can be cnehgad as I really need this in PHP. By the way, can Downpayment (percent or amount) be included?Another thing, I noticed the demo widget on the sidebar of this page does not display an amortization table after pressing Calculate, and only displays the monthly mortgage . Can there be a link that would display the amortization table (either as pop-up or on a page)? This is the feature I saw in the mortgage calculator used in themeforest's openhouse real estate theme, and I wish your plugin can do the same. Sorry if I asked too many questions, I'm really looking for a complete solution I can buy. Thanks again!

Kenelm wrote on Nov 06, 2016 01:40:
That's an inventive answer to an inrietsteng question
Earthwind wrote on Nov 06, 2016 04:01:
That's the thinikng of a creative mind
Bayle wrote on Nov 06, 2016 05:11:
Times are chganing for the better if I can get this online!
Patty wrote on Mar 09, 2017 03:04:
Taís Santos comentou em 9 de julho de 2012 às 12:25. AMEI o texto!!! O melhor de todos os tempos!!!Gosto muuuito desse site mas me sinto meio alienígena pois nunca usei batom Mac, não vi nem de longe um Louboutin (ajuda do google para escrever, rs!) e nunca fui à Nova York.Parabéns e Obrigada Jana por me fazer sentir 02normal≵Beijão
Sequoia wrote on Mar 09, 2017 03:54:
This whole post irritated me. Hey KERF, my birthday is Leap Day. Booyah! I wish she’d share what the others thought of the beers mainly because I want to know if any of them actually know squatford about beer. It’s evident she doesn’t. Pumpkin sh2oudn&#8l17;t taste like apple, but in KERF’s world it does so Yippee! And what is she doing with the 11th beer if 10 is the highest? God, she infuriates me.
Voncile wrote on Mar 09, 2017 07:58:
110il/2011Bas/6ioEi li so agora esse post. Eu fico muito feliz te ver que vc criou esse excelente blog, parabens, vc tem talento nas palavras e no humor, certeza de sucesso, e eu qur te conheco ha muito twmpo, vejo que vc melhorou muito. Abraco.  

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