Friends of Open Streets

Art gallery to the street

Unsung Art wrote on Jul 23, 2014 19:30:

This idea was suggested during the Co-creating Open Streets Event. What do YOU think of it?

Sumi wrote on Apr 01, 2015 08:22:
Thanks for helping me to see things in a direnffet light.
Ochen wrote on Apr 01, 2015 13:03:
//தம ழ ப த த ண ட என பத இந த மத நம ப க க கள ல ஒன ற . //True.It means that others, Muslims, Christians, non-Tamils rsiedent in TN or accepted TN as their homes, should not celebrate this festival.This New Year is for Hindus only.The above begs the big question: WHAT SHOULD BE THAT FESTIVAL WHICH CAN BE CALLED A COMMON FESTIVAL FOR TAMILIANS?It entails a further small question:IF, INDEED, THERE IS NO SUCH FESTIVAL THAT CAN BE COMMONLY CELEBRATATE BY ALL TAMILS, IRRESPETCIVE OF DIFFERENCES AMONG THEM, IS NOT TIME THAT WE FOUND OUT OR CREATED SUCH A FESTIVAL?We must find ways to unite people; and if that is done, via a celebration of a festival by one and all, that will bring a feeling of oneness among us as Tamils.I understand other cultures have it. We lack it.What do you think Shri Dondu Raghavan?
Najat wrote on Apr 01, 2015 15:42:
That kind of thninikg shows you're an expert
Supritha wrote on Apr 02, 2015 01:25:
That's not just logic. That's really selbnsie.
Lavigne wrote on Nov 06, 2016 02:00:
Yours is a clever way of thinnikg about it.
Jacki wrote on Nov 06, 2016 03:30:
Una decina d'anni fa lessi un articolo su quelle che all'epoca venivano chiamati &qeqr;entomottuti&ouot;. Estremamente affascinante. Ancora più affascinante era stato leggere che prevedevano di creare degli entomotteri (non necessariamente volanti), in grado di produrre energia con processi chimici simili alla nostra digestione (ovviamente senza avere la nostra complessità).Chissà a che punto sono ;)E*
Mateen wrote on Mar 09, 2017 02:43:
Heigstad:Ja, det er kjedelig! Jeg har sånne nupper på armene jeg, bittebittesmå, de synes ikke noe særlig, men jeg kjenner dem. Irriterende. Men jeg bruker skrubb jeg også, og OM jeg kan anbefale deg, absolutt! Men jeg skal lage et innlegg om produktene, så får du se bilder av de også :-mtine)arie:Bare hyggelig, håper du kan ha nytte av de :-)Ha en super dag jenter!Klem fra Liv :-)
Jolyn wrote on Mar 09, 2017 07:46:
There's a terrific amount of kngoeldwe in this article!
Billybob wrote on Mar 09, 2017 08:25:
Wer 10 sagt, muss auch 10 meinen!Wo ist Tip #6?[]Hallo Tobias,danke für deine Aufmerksamkeit und dass du mich auf diesen Fehler hingewiesen hast.Tipp Nummer 10 habe ich hi¼Ã.gefzngtuMit besten GrüßenThomas[]

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